Take the fast & easy online self help depression test Today!, The "am i depressed test or quiz" that guides you on how YOU are feeling TODAY! and what level of help do you require.

The fast instant result's recommend's if you can self help yourself or if you need professional advice or guidance on depression. Don't let your manic depression go on undetected, take a test & if your results are not good see your doctor straight away. Take your time and read each question carefully, then click on your answer that best suits how you feel, once you have completed all 25 questions,

Click on the "Get Results for Depression Test/Quiz" button to generate your instant results.

(A point to note that learning to relax by listening to a relaxation CD can help you reduce your depression)


A point to note about depression below.

The circle of depression, anxiety, panic and stress can thus lead to insomnia, musclar pain and high blood pressure. THOUGHT's - Effect - FEELING's - Effect - BEHAVIOUR's - Effect - THOUGHT's Thinking POSITIVE thoughts can end this downward spiral today!

To score the test questions enter a number between a 1 and 5
(1 = No way  2= A Little  3 = 50/50  4 = A Lot  5 = Certainly).

Good Luck with your Depression Test/Quiz.

Q1 Avoiding contact with family or friends....................

Q2 Considered self harming..........................................

Q3 Loss of interest in work or other activities................

Q4 Feelings of unhappiness or sadness........................

Q5 Disinterested in work or other activities...................

Q6 Shame or guilty feelings...........................................

Q7 Tearfulness or crying................................................

Q8 Like to end your life or commit suicide....................

Q9 Fatigued or tired.......................................................

Q10 Discouraged or demotivated feelings....................

Q11 De-motavation or loss of interest..........................

Q12 Not able to sleep or sleeping long hours...............

Q13 Concerning health issues......................................

Q14 Eating more or less food than normal....................

Q15 Showing no interest in sex.....................................

Q16 Do you have any suicidal tendencies.....................

Q17 Indecisive tendencies.............................................

Q18 Having hopeless feelings.......................................

Q19 Disinterested in family or friends............................

Q20 Putting yourself down or criticising self.................

Q21 Low levels of self-esteem......................................

Q22 Feeling miserable, sad or glum.............................

Q23 Unsatisfied or loss of enjoyment in life..................

Q24 Feeling of isolation ................................................

Q25 Feelings of uselessness or worthlessness............